Today I decided to drive up Central Ave. on my lunch hour. Not a lot of time to shop, but had a couple of errands to take care of. Traffic can be a little crazy at lunch time, and as we get closer to the holidays it is nightmarish. Today did not seem too congested, but I did get behind this one car that kind of made me crazy.
Driving slowly - and I couldn't get around him (I checked). He would put his blinker on, slow down - and not turn. This happened a couple of times within a few blocks until I finally did pass him. While following this particular vehicle I had time to notice the license plate holder and different features of the car and the man driving.

I motored on and took care of my errands. Now, returning from Colonie to Albany I decided to take the most direct route which is again Central Avenue. A bit of traffic and I get behind a car which looks eerily similar to the one that I saw earlier. Turns on his blinker from the second lane as though he is changing lanes - good - nope - doesn't turn. Now I'm thinking no way could it be the same person. Driving slowly - seeming to be in a bit of a daze - I look at the plate holder. Yup - it's the same car, guy, etc.
So what are the chances of this happening - we are traveling East and were going West before. Almost an hour difference and he is still driving up and down Central Avenue? Well, so am I! Guess chances are not that slim.
Just one of the many perks of driving.